I am a Year 7 learner in room 4 at Pt England School in Auckland, NZ. My teacher's name is Mrs Stone.
Monday, 11 December 2017
Monday, 4 December 2017
Australia SLJ 16/17 W1 A1
In the holidays I want to go to Australia because Australia because it is a nice place and Wet and wild. In Australia I want to go to Sidney I have being there before I have also being to Wet and wild and to Disney land It is amazing I wish I can go back there.
Tuesday, 7 November 2017
Penpal letter
Dear Ben
Hi Ben it’s so exciting to hear from you again I can’t wait till the Pt England film festival the film festival Is when you go to the movies and watch every classes movie and athletics we have been practising for It my favorite thing In athletics is relays and high jump.This term we have been making music It’s been fun we have been playing records.
Friday, 27 October 2017
This is my maths activity
3. Find ⅛ of 32
4. Find 1/9 of 36
This is my maths activity of fractions
Thursday, 26 October 2017
playing a recorder
Making Music
We have just been Making and performing a song with our friends.
Use the sentence starters below to help you, think all the wow words you have learnt this year and include some in your recount.
Transition Words
Past tense
At first…
Once we…
Once I…
At last…
In the end…
You should be telling the audience what has already happened since we have already had Immersion Assembly!
If you can think of any others, use them! This is just to get you started.
Planning Space
Start your writing here:
This morning me and my class got to play a recorder once we got a recorder we got into a circle Miss Davis played a little song it was cool she told us that she went to a school and they taught her how to play a recorder.After that Miss Davis taught us how to play C and D note after we learnt Miss Davis get Into partners and go to a table and learn C and D with your partner at a table after we learnt that we went and sat down on the mat.Then we got Into another circle and we went a round the circle playing C 3 times 3.
After that Miss Davis called our color groups to go and put the recorders In a bucket of water. After we did that we lined up outside ready to go to wahi safe when we got there she said she could hear us playing the recorders.
The way of the world
This is the way of the world with my friend.
Friday, 20 October 2017
Thursday, 19 October 2017
Musical madness
Musical Madness Recount
Write a recount about the immersion assembly. You will write at least 3 paragraphs about the event.
Paragraph 1: Going to the assembly and how you felt.
Paragraph 2: What happened at the assembly. (commas and questions marks can add extra paragraphs here).
Paragraph 3: Leaving the assembly and how you felt, what were your favourite parts.
Remember to: Use time connective, detail, similes and speech. Quality writing has variety!
Start Writing here:
Musical madness Term 4
This morning me and my class walked in a line silently to the hall for a special assembly. when we got there Mr J, Mr Burt, Mr Wiseman, and Mr Somerville and Miss Nuia sang a band called musical madness to start term 4 off it was awesome.After that it was team 1 and 2 item they were playing snap with jumbo cards when they were playing snap they it with different kind’s off music.
Mr J showed us a video of this boy who was playing drums for his school in Scotland it was cool when they were swinging the sticks in the air.
After that it was team 3 item Miss Eady Miss Davis and Miss King walked into Miss Eady’s class and Mr Moran was there on his phone from when he posted a picture from when he was 7 and Miss King posted a photo from when she was 17.
Last team 5 shared their item with us it was about watching the start of the lion king with different music like creepy music it was scary Mr
Wiseman was giving popcorn to his pretend family.
Thursday, 28 September 2017
The trip to the beach
When the second bell ring we went to the court and Miss Davis took the roll. After she did it Mr Burt started to say what way we are going. When we got there we sang two Waiatas and a Karaka to the fish after that we sang some more Waiatas then Mr Burt seed we are going back to school. After lunch Miss Davis seed that the year 7's and 8's court about 70 fish.
Duffy books
Today we got Duffy books and I got bad guys It Is episode 4 Aaron Blabey Attack of the Zittens and I also got DC comics batman Gotham city's Guardian black stories chapter. Thank you Duffy.
Friday, 8 September 2017
How to Make a Clock
This is how to make a Clock using paper plate paper split pin and scissors Rolar and permanent marker
Draw a header pictur
Name: Troy
Class: 14
School: pt England
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Address: 130 Pt England Rd, Pt England, Auckland 1072, New Zealand
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Date: 6/9/17
Dear penpal
Kia ora penpal
We also have Ned yo yos to and I got a boomerang yo yo to my yo yo is red. what color is yours? My favourite food is KFC and Mcdonald's.
Two weeks ago we went to the stardome and this man John was telling us about planets. After that we went and did a quiz on a ipad we had to go around the hole thing to look for the questions. After we did that we went into this room it was a huge oval screen in there we went on a trip with aliens around all the planet’s to find them a new home with no one but they came back to earth. Have you been to the stardome?
Last friday we had cross country we had to run on the field and out of the school grounds then we ran half of the reserve and then we ran back into the school grounds we ran through the park and there was the finish line and I came 5th. Have you had cross country before? Do you like running?
Happy birthday Ben. How was it? Where did you go for your birthday?
I can’t wait to hear back from you.
From Troy
This is me and my friends there names are Suade and Jermane
Monday, 21 August 2017
Friday, 11 August 2017
Friday, 28 July 2017
The sun
The sun is the largest star in our solar system.How ever there are many star's like it in the wider universe.The earth is just the right distance from the sun.But our planet is not to hot or to cold.The light from the sun take's eight mins to reach earth,and gives life's to plants.Astronauts will never be able to land on the sun.As reach's five thousand five hundred degrees Celsius.One hundred times hotter then humans can stand.The sheer size of the sun mean's that it is gravitational pull forces all the planets in our solar system to orbit around it.Born five billion years ago, the sun has been producing and heat for a very long time.
Tuesday, 13 June 2017
Monday, 8 May 2017
Wednesday, 12 April 2017
akshil nouns
- did you know miss davis use to dance?
Did you know Miss Davis use to dance?
- keyana, julianna, kiarah, kharizma and angelica are in the neptune reading group.
Keyana, Julianna, Kiarah, Kharizma and Angelica are in the
Neptune reading group.
- the pacific ocean is the biggest ocean on earth.
Thursday, 6 April 2017
Duffy book-the hunt for the golden book

Friday, 17 March 2017
dragon story.
The world’s smallest dragon is an amazing creature,it is so tiny that it sit on only two fingers of a human hand.It’s called the world’s smallest dragon because it’s so tiny. it has transparent wings and it has a hairy tail and spikey talons as sharp as knives.
Caring for this creature is a challenging task and should not be taken on without serious thought.i would take care of my dragon for ever until it gets it gets bigger. I feed my dragon and give it water and play with it.
Dragons are playful creature and they love to play games with children.i play with my dragon hide and seek and tag and i take it to the playground.
Title. My dragon
Friday, 17 February 2017
Jack the robot
Jack was wandering through the junk yard looking for a friend.Then he sat on a log and then he created a new friend with black tape but Jack still feeling lonely.And then a girl robot came up to Jack and made a noys Jack looked up at her and they started to holed hands.
The Duffy show
Last Tuesday after morning tea room 14 and the junuer school went into the hall to wach duffy show.duffy and his friend was looking at us.and then global girl`s bos wanted super duffy to go on a mission to save the world and then super duffy saved world so global girl can stay. Then global girl and super duffy made explosion of green foam.the duffy show was amzing.
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